The White House Nursery Alvaston was registered in 2O12 and it's the second setting owned by The White House Day Nursery Limited. Since it's opening in January 2O13 the Alvaston team have worked hard to create a safe and fun environment for your children's development into school life.
After a complete refurbishment, the nursery operates from a beautifully renovated, two storey detached house with a cosy single annex in the Alvaston area of Derby, serving top quality childcare to the local and surrounding areas with links the local school.
Since opening the nursery, there are now many children registered in the early years age group with more and more children joining every week. And now with the help of government funding, the nursery provides funded early education for two, three and four year old children, coordinated by our highly experienced staffing team.

The baby room is a very relaxed and calm environment, where staff become acquainted with each child to understand their individual personalities. This allows the staff to tune into the babies' needs sensitively, providing a wonderful enabling environment for babies to learn, challenge them to explore and investigate many new things. Outside, the baby unit has full use of a lovely rooftop garden - meaning the little ones can enjoy all the sounds and smells of outdoor play while maintaining a safe and secure environment in all weathers.
As children move on from the baby unit into the Toddler group, the White House Nursery teaches all children how to use basic manners, helping them learn to play cooperatively from an early age, and encouraging them to share and take turns with others. Our toddler unit also features a bathroom to encourage independence and self confidence.

The indoor environment for the pre-school is mentally stimulating, with appropriate toys and educational materials to help all areas of learning and development for each child. All children are free to move from area to area, including outdoors at their own pace as we operate a 'free flow' system.

The fantastic, fully enclosed outdoor area has been specially landscaped to meet the children’s needs. Including an outdoor classroom and a small allotment for the children to plant their own food and learn about nature. Our 'communication friendly' spaces of the garden focus on supporting speaking and listening skills, emotional well-being and general engagement. The dens allow the children to have spaces which are calm and relaxing that they can go to, to enjoy a story or some peaceful time. The babies also have their own roof garden which enables even our youngest children to enjoy outdoor play safely throughout the year.