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Safer Internet Day 2023


Updated: Feb 6, 2023

Children can benefit from engaging with the internet in many different ways. Providing them with opportunities to learn and develop educationally gives them a chance to connect with family, flourish their creativity and have fun of course!

Although the internet has some great aspects, it can also be a dangerous place for your young children, so it is important to monitor them and make sure your child is using the internet safely!

5 Tips to keep your child safe online.

1. Supervise your child's use - When your child is using the internet, you never know what they may come across, it is advisable to keep them in your eye sight so you can supervise and be involved in the activities they are doing.

2. Enjoy going online together - Spending time on the internet together can allow your child to be more comfortable in coming to you if they feel something is wrong. It also gives you an understanding of your child's internet use.

3. Consider the quality & quantity of online activities - Encouraging a healthy mix of online and offline activities is important. Let your child see internet time as a reward and not something they can access whenever they like.

4. Establish clear boundaries - Setting boundaries and rules is good for developing good online habits for your child, it also encourages them to think about their internet usage.

- Creating a family agreement is a useful step, this may include time spent online, where and when devices can be used and what to do if they see something upsetting.

- Setting passwords for things such as purchases, entering the device and having a child lock on certain apps that are not appropriate for their use.

5. Choose appropriate apps & games - It's crucial to be aware of the games they play and the things they watch.

- YouTube is the most popular app for children around the pre school age - the standard youtube app can be concerning as your child can easily be easily exposed to something that is not appropriate.

Downloading 'Youtube Kids' as an alternative is great as this provides safe, applicable content.

For educational purposes these are great apps to try out:

- Monkey Junior: Learn to read

- Number kids: Math games

- Colour & shapes - Learn colour

- LumiKids park by Lumosity - Communication and Language, Physical Development

- The wheels on the bus by Tabtale - Maths, Literacy, Physical Development

- Colour band by LND games - Expressive Arts & Design

For further information on internet safety be sure to check out these websites...


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